Pachai Sundaikai ({Turkey Berry) - 200 gms
Tamarind - lemon sized
Kulambu milagai thool - 2 tbl spoon
Pearl onions - 20
Garlic - 20 pods
Vadagam - 1 tbsp
Salt - To taste

Keep the kadai in the stove, add 2 tbsp of gingelly oil.
Season the curry with vadagam.(If you dont have vadagam at home, then you can season it withmustard seeds & fenugreek seeds).
Add the onions, garlic and saute it for a while.
Now add the sundaikai and saute for 3 mins.
Add water, kulambu milagai thool and salt. Cook the gravy till the raw smell goes off.
Serve hot with rice. Good combination is to have with rice vathal.
You can get this vadagam readily available in stores (I got it from Ambika Appalam Depot, Chennai), otherwise you can prepare it at home once in an year. I dont know the procedure to prepare it. When I get a chance to visit my granny's place I will get this recipe for you. Actually this vadagam will add a good flavour for kulambu, keerai masiyal and all. Its good for digestion also.
I am sending this to Grammathu Kaimanam/Village Special Recipe Event hosted by Shama.
Please let me know, where do u get fresh sundaikai in US?
Am living in Los Angeles, please let me know where do u get those.
I just love it and am missing it big time. :(
Interesting story as for me. It would be great to read more concerning that matter.
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