I started cooking at a very age, approximately 11 yrs. From the beginning I am very much interested towards cooking and related stuff. I used to help my mom in the kitchen for cutting vegetables, grinding chutney etc. Every saturday will be my test treat. I still remember the first dish I prepared, Bread Upma. I used try out all new items, few will come out well and more will be sent to trash. Usually I use my dad as a RAT, as he is the only person who will say "GOOD" on whatever I prepare. My sister will always say its horrible, though its delicious.
Slowly I grew up to a good cook and still I am learning. Like every women I too love to get all kitchen accessories starting from utensils, appliances etc. Both traditional and modern electronic appliance. This time I saw an ad in the Paper regarding the Glass top Gas Stove released by Prestige Smart Kitchen. From that time I was keen about getting it to my kitchen. Yesterday I got it and heres the picture of it. It looks so cute know. Thought of sharing it with you all.

Love the brand new stovetop! The pongal pannai nowadays moved to gas stove! Real festive time!
Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!
very good,can we make friends?