I am here to share great news with you all. It’s all about the Charter giving away one $10,000 prize and four 52” HDTV’s as a part of their campaign to reward their customers in new and exciting ways they can. All you have to do is to visit Win 10 Grand Contest Page and answer the simple questions about charter On Demand. You can easily answer them, as they are giving hints also. Every week we have 4 chances to win and they are giving out a 52" Sony Bravia HDTV.

Charter’s Twitter Feed has over 6000 movies and shows to choose. They also have thousands of titles, which you can watch for free. That’s really a grand sweep. It will be great to have a living room decorated with a 52" Sony Bravia and a picture perfect Charter HDTV Connection. That would be a dream for many people. It has become so easier to achieve now. I have already posted about their April campaign. Their April Campaign was about winning a home theater system and one year of free Charter Digital Cable® service with HD programming. They also have given prizes like Xboxes with 360 games and Honda Civic. The prizes have always been more interesting. The more you play, the more are the chances to win.

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